Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Dominion Tag Board

Guys, I have shifted the tag board here for easier spamming :D

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The End of a Chapter and a New Beginning

Anyone who has been playing in Cervantes would have realized that after the mutiny by its former trusted members, Dominion had taken a stab in the back and has thus been weakened significantly.

Despite the fact that the majority of our remaining members do not have any animosity towards Illuminati, the events following the last colony war had indicated their stand towards what's left of the Dominions. This is indeed disheartening.

With most of our leaders and members having real life commitments to fulfill, it is regrettable that we have unanimously agreed to disband Dominion.

Our many apologies to our newly recruited members, who have joined Dominion despite our recent troubles. We wish you all the best in finding a new faction.

Therefore, with this, we will conclude the end of Dominion Faction. It has been a superbly fun experience and we thank you all for making it enjoyable.


This is my first posting on our faction blog and ironically it is also my last or the last few times that I will post.

I shall take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my members/friends like: Ralphe, Leoz, Lothlorien, Rey, Reduan, PepsiCola, KaLong, VonGiftzhane, Famiglia, Hush, Nwo, Amelia, all the old warhorses of Dom (not mentioned in order of credit). Not forgetting my fellow GE players –our ally Fenrir and others that had been supporting and assisting me to take care of the faction during my absence due to my commitment to my studies.

Many had pmed me ingame on the last colony war asking me what had exactly happened, I shall not comment on it since our own sweet Lothlorien have already did an entry on what has going on in Dom and our current situation.

No matter where Dom is heading towards in the future, I hope that we are able to keep this friendship that we have forged together over the past 6 months. This is inclusive of our MY and PH members which I look forward to arranging an outing in the future to meet them as we had done in our recent August KL trip.

Thank you.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Illuminati 9 Dominion 0

Ah... It was definitely surreal having to fight ex-mates. Anyway, my congratulation to Illuminati and the rest of the factions who managed to leave your mark in today's war.

To Domies: I think we need to take a month's vacation together after today episode. Any virtual game that would allow us to chill out/holiday together? Ha ha. Good job guys, we tried and it is all that matters.

Good night peeps.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Holiday season again~RAYA!

Enjoy yourself with your love ones. Hope you have fun (^_^)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

In the mood for change

Hi guys! It has been a while since my last lucid post. Heh. I haven't been blogging much, since there is nothing interesting to write about.

I guess by now, most (in Cervantes, at least) would have noticed the exodus of Dominion's members to another newly-created faction. Illuminati, probably the baby of Miya and Sitoca, recruited the better (debatable :D) and more hardcore players from Dominion, who are seriously into raids. There have been some unhappiness in the past, due to inactivity from the more senior members and insufficient participation of members in raids. But I suppose all is well now, since the more hardworking and active players are grouped into one faction to do a common activity that is so important to them.

There is no clear direction on how Dom is to proceed from now, but one thing for sure, I am playing this game for enjoyment not stress. I don't speak for everyone, and I am sure everyone has different reasons for playing an online game, but I much prefer the laid back Dom before competition lead us to become an unwilling aggressor. Years of playing healers in different games must have make me into a softy. Ha.

Anyway, I digress.

What do you guys think about the new blog design? I have wanted to give Dom's blog a new look but haven't been able to come up any idea, till I found the very cool new character (new monster or npc, anyone knows?). So, do you like it?

(Part of the entry is replicated from my blog)

Monday, October 8, 2007

Colony War 08102007

[Entry written by VonGiftzhane]

It was a great war for the Dominions who had been able to participate in last Sunday's Colony War. For the Dominions, sitting on the top of the chain had been admittedly rather stifling. The spilt from almost two fifths of our member base had crippled us severely. Though I might have refer to it as a spilt, some who had chosen to stand by us might disagree otherwise. Whether it was a mutiny, a reform or a split, it has served to remind us to not be complacent. It had taught us a lesson and in turn humbled us.

The colony war started predictably with a massive amount of factions warring and tearing our beacons. Due to our inability to defend all, we had agreed to give our colonies to Fenrir, our all time ally and Illuminati, formed by former Dominions. I admit that it was heart breaking to see us losing nine of our colonies, but we have seen this coming after Saturday's sudden expulsion of members (and having them joining a new faction). Most of us in Dominion have prepared ourselves for the worst, and that was to end the war without a single colony. We knew that we were unlikely to be able to defend all but one, hence the decision. Yet we preserved to defend Scorching Plateau and had deterred people from taking over despite the heavy barrage we received.

With only 3 squads we managed to defend Scorching Plateau and take over Jezebel Glen and El Tejado Verde. It is a feat that we had not foreseen. It had been great fun fighting the war like we had been with Yakisoba.

With regards to Lezard's absence from GE, he is not retiring from the game but is in fact taking a break for his exams. He will be back, but not quite soon. Meanwhile, life in Dominion proceeds on with a Temporary Leader. Recruitment of Dominion is available at our forums. We welcome you with open arms, you can also pm famiglia / VonGiftzhane / Hush to apply ingame.

To all the players that had stood by us and given us your support, thank you and we cannot thank enough to Fenrir for standing by us despite being severely crippled.

To the former Domies

Thank you for being part of Dominion, and I wish you the best in your new faction :)