Monday, October 8, 2007

Colony War 08102007

[Entry written by VonGiftzhane]

It was a great war for the Dominions who had been able to participate in last Sunday's Colony War. For the Dominions, sitting on the top of the chain had been admittedly rather stifling. The spilt from almost two fifths of our member base had crippled us severely. Though I might have refer to it as a spilt, some who had chosen to stand by us might disagree otherwise. Whether it was a mutiny, a reform or a split, it has served to remind us to not be complacent. It had taught us a lesson and in turn humbled us.

The colony war started predictably with a massive amount of factions warring and tearing our beacons. Due to our inability to defend all, we had agreed to give our colonies to Fenrir, our all time ally and Illuminati, formed by former Dominions. I admit that it was heart breaking to see us losing nine of our colonies, but we have seen this coming after Saturday's sudden expulsion of members (and having them joining a new faction). Most of us in Dominion have prepared ourselves for the worst, and that was to end the war without a single colony. We knew that we were unlikely to be able to defend all but one, hence the decision. Yet we preserved to defend Scorching Plateau and had deterred people from taking over despite the heavy barrage we received.

With only 3 squads we managed to defend Scorching Plateau and take over Jezebel Glen and El Tejado Verde. It is a feat that we had not foreseen. It had been great fun fighting the war like we had been with Yakisoba.

With regards to Lezard's absence from GE, he is not retiring from the game but is in fact taking a break for his exams. He will be back, but not quite soon. Meanwhile, life in Dominion proceeds on with a Temporary Leader. Recruitment of Dominion is available at our forums. We welcome you with open arms, you can also pm famiglia / VonGiftzhane / Hush to apply ingame.

To all the players that had stood by us and given us your support, thank you and we cannot thank enough to Fenrir for standing by us despite being severely crippled.

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