Monday, August 27, 2007
Gathering 28082007
Do join us if you are free, and I look forward to meeting you guys.
Lagness & CW

Gratz to our members for a job well done and to our allies as well. We may lost some colonies but we gain back another. (i got this tiny feeling i'm missing something during the war =_=)
Friday, August 17, 2007
Thank you
Representing the entire Dominion faction, I would like to express sincere gratitude to the staff of IAH, who had put in both time and effort in restoring the state of our beloved faction.
On Monday night, as many might have noticed , more than half of our members were booted out of the faction by an unknown hacker. The incident was indeed a traumatizing one for all of us.
The hacker was exceedingly fast in his action, kicking out almost all the members who were online that night. Several minutes after the incident, all kicked members gathered in the City of Auch to discuss the next course of action. Interestingly, squading up with one another was the first thing most of us did to satisfy that sudden emptiness. War squad leaders went into action shortly after, to make a list of booted out members and within a short period of time, instructions were disseminated to all of us as to what we needed to do. Tickets were sent from every member affected and IAH responded promptly even though the server was scheduled for maintenance the next day.
Without doubt, this incident had certainly reaffirmed our commitment to the faction, strengthening existing ties like never before.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Simply Dominion
To begin with, I am certainly not the right person to be addressing Yakisoba's blog entry "The politics of Cervantes" which is essentially all about Dominion. However, I am writing on behalf of Wussking and Lezard, both of whom I know very well in person.
I would have preferred to maintain silence on this issue (since Tsubaki mentioned that the entry is written strictly from their point of view), if not for the fact that there are elements of personal attacks in it, coupled with a flaming war going on in the forum. I would like to ask all Dominions to not partake in this flaming, and allow me to address the issue here. My take on this may not represent all of the Dominions, but, I hope that it is enough to stop this whole hoo-ha.
1. History regarding the ‘Dominion vs Yakisoba’ War.
I do not have any recollection of Dominion openly declaring ourselves to be Yakisoba's rivals (I use the word rival in one of my entry earlier simply because Tsubaki mentioned it in his entry). The statement is debatable but it is definitely unfair to paint Dominion as the aggressor when in fact, we never have intention to be one. We simply do not wish for the Cervantes to be dominated by one faction, and works towards gaining a healthy playing ground for all, be it friends or foes.
2. On Wussking's ban.
To set the record straight and to stop all speculations on what happened to Wussking, he was indeed banned. Strangely though, Yakisoba's members came to know about it way before Dominion's members did. I would not question where they get this information from, but would rather address what really happened that resulted in his ban. Wussking did not bot and his only mistake come from using a gaming keyboard which xtrap did not has any issue with. He did not bypass xtrap intentionally, like what some has speculated. He has, in fact, only 1 level 100 character when he got banned from suspected botting. Straight after he got banned, he sent ticket(s) to IAH to investigate his case. He maintained his silence even to Dominion's member to prevent the faction from getting flustered by his ban. But nevertheless, Yakisoba caught wind of it, and use it to their best advantage.
This is perhaps only known in our faction, but a week after his ban, Wussking came back and resume duties as the leader (not in name). Even though his ban got him thinking about quitting for good, he did not take the easy way out. Instead, he picked himself up and came back to start from square one. I will not tolerate any personal insults on him, and no one has the right to judge him if they do not know him personally.
3. Dominion's series of abuses.
It is indeed not possible to transfer leadership by normal means. But Dominion did not go through any illegal means to get this done. We simply submitted a ticket to IAH, stating our valid reasons, and requested for the change of leadership. With Wussking's ban, we were unable to truce any factions that warred us. It was simply done out of necessity. If IAH has refuse to assist us, we would have opt for another option; re-creating a faction. We did not, ever contacted any GM and ask for special favors. GMs only manage the game, and they are probably not the decision makers. I, for one, did not understand what Tsubaki was trying to hint at.
I must admit that Dominion did abuse the bug that allowed us to transfer members without the 7-day penalty. I was not in favor of exploiting this bug, but the abuse from Yakisoba got so bad that half the time we were trying to fend them off. They took advantage of their 65% HP boost and went around hunting and killing Dominion's members, especially those that were doing afk-leveling. We have already admitted our defeat and requested for a truce. They did not grant it to us, and simply use it to their advantage. Yet, our policy has always been to maintain our relationships cordial. We were repeatably reminded not to kill on sight, unless provoked, which happened almost one hundred percent of the time. Then again, I would like to thank some of the Yakisoba's members, who kindly left us alone. On hindsight, the so-called ‘faction bug’ might not even be a bug at all since it has been known to many and I am sure IAH would have solved the issue or rectified it if they wanted the bug removed.
4. On Boss Raids against Dominion.
It is a known fact that Yakisoba monopolized bosses to prevent other factions from getting uniques and elites for their level 100s. You can refute me on this, but I have evidence to show otherwise. Tsubaki had also conveniently forgotten that they had 65% HP boost advantage for a week, which allowed them to kill on sight and to gain full access to the bosses.
5. Colony war 290607 and 050807.
Dominion had a BBQ session on 290607, which saw us ending the war with 0 colony. It was a crushing defeat, and those who attended the BBQ felt so bad, most left with a heavy heart. We logged in towards the end of the war to check the status and to witness insults being broadcasted. The attacks on us worsen our guilt of not attending the war.
This might have prompted the leaders to take a more drastic course of action for 050807 colony war. I was not involved in planning for the war, thus I am unable to reveal what prompted the ally and friends to work together. But many a times, what you reap is what you sow. I will not and do not wish to bad-mouth against any group but would like to put a simple point across in retrospect of what has happened. If what you have done thus far had been respectable in the eyes of others, we wouldn’t be witnessing such a situation of today.
6. The use of a Factionless member for resurrection purposes.
We did not rely on the use of a faction-less player to focus on resurrecting our members, it just so happened that the said player was paying the penalty of leaving a faction, but wanted to help out in the war. That is certainly not exploitation of any bug whatsoever. Simply a strategy that is very much part of the game.
7. Conclusions.
Dominion's main priority in game is to have fun, especially among friends, as simple as that. :)
Friday, August 10, 2007
GE goes hybrid pay to play!
IAh Games decide to award players who had been with them since POBT : 90 days of Free Game Play time. These players need to have at least 1 character above lv20 during transition to commercial phase.
XD i want free game play time~
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The DARK LORD & Love~
FYI, The Dark Lord aka Vergo the curse is an in-game event which will be held tomorrow (9th August) at 2000hrs (8.00pm GMT+8). Players can gather in Reboldoeux Queens Gate to meet him. He's not gonna be easy to kill that's for sure. And this event will only occur in CHANNEL 1, ALL SERVER. There is no level requirement to kill him. I wonder what will he drop?
*sobbing* WHY does it happend on my work day~ ... i need to ind a new job T_T
Another event is happening but this time it's not in-game. Introducing Veya's Challenge: Love Siggy-Making Contest. Players can show-off their love creation thru this siggy contest. When will the contest ends? On 20th August 2007! And guess what is the prize? ANGEL WINGS! So, it's not to late to enter~ Don't pass this chance to win your angels~ *feeling romantic* I can't wait to see lovely pictures~
Monday, August 6, 2007
Colony War 050807
The determination to make an effort in the face of adversity was evident. Each and everyone of the Dominions were ready to engage in battle right from start. In fact, even the extreme lag experienced during the war did not dampen our spirits. The collective effort of everyone doing their best, be it engaging the enemies, beacon-destroying or resuscitating dead comrades, make this war a well-fought one.
Special mentions and thanks to:
- The leaders, who painstakingly took time to discuss and plan for the war.
- The squad leaders, who lead their teams with admirable dedication and efficiency.
- The members, who sacrifice their precious weekend to participate in this war.
- Not forgetting our allies and friends, for, without you guys, there will be no Dominion.

The end of the war saw Dominion securing 5 Colonies: Pradera de Ceniza, El Tierra Blanco, Scorching Plateau, Ustiur Zona Uno and Ustiur Zona Dos.
Many would have also noticed an absence of GoD faction from the last 2 Colony Wars. I would like to take this opportunity to mention our merger with them. It has indeed been a wonderful time, welcoming GoD into our big family and getting to know each and everyone of them personally.
Our congratulations to the following factions for making their mark on Cervantes's map; CARNAGE, Vradical, XeNaTion, DarkCrusade, ChaosLegion, TheRepKnights, Anonymous and Yakisoba. Especially to CARNAGE, you guys rock!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Thinking bout Angel Wings, remind me of Ninemoons GE Trivia Contest,RohNaga's Challenge - Creative Captions Contest and Selwyn's Challenge - Create Your Own Comic Contest. Ninemoons contest start with easy,average and difficult. The easy and average part of the contest already done. Now, it's the final round: Difficult, which really is difficult to me. What's the relation between Ninemoons contest and Angel Wings? The PRIZE! (^_^) If any contestant manage to answer it, they can win angels wings(Yes,i'm definitely joining the contest!). Only 10 angel wings are up for grabs! So, hurry up and try it! It's never to late to try! The contest will end tomorrow (3rd Aug 2007) at 11.59pm. You can also try to win it thru RohNaga's Caption contest(which will end on 8th August 2007) or Selwyn's Comic contest (which end on 14th August 2007) , all you have to do is figure out something creative and tada~ the wings is yours. And yes, I enter Rohnaga's contest as well, now trying to figure out comic stuff for Selwyn's contest. I don't wanna miss a chance to win it ^_^! Let's try our best!
To all Dominions who live in Malaysia & Singapore, don't forget to check our forum for faction gathering! This is our chances to meet up with each other and R.I.P. every1 in person! Hope we all can have some fun (^_^).
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
V2.1.18 patch up and ready for you!
In this new version, you will get to see a new rnpc who called himself, Irawan which use his bare hand like gracielo and a new party election. In other words, whoever wins the vote, each leader will be awarded a special item and the leader of the domininant party will collect market deposits as tax $_$. Sound very...profitable =x
So, what are you guys waiting for ^_^! Go and start downloading!
p.s.: Irawan sure look like gracielo bro -.-"