CW~ what a laggy day -.-" i always end-up lag-a-lot seeing invisible players in red icon and die standing. So, this time i dont join war much >.<, ok.. most of the time i don't join war much, except fooling around, warping from places to places and get bullied when players attack me in group ~_~ (that's the part i hate most) . Another lagness i encounter is during the boss raid =.= yes, the boss raid such as Diablo etc, even golden spider, make me walk far from target and in some occasion i do die without doing nothing. And suddenly i remember... i didnt get any SS of faction/boss raid which make me more T_T *crying*

Gratz to our members for a job well done and to our allies as well. We may lost some colonies but we gain back another. (i got this tiny feeling i'm missing something during the war =_=)
what's the tiny thing u missed, me ? xD
in ur dream =P
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