Blog Entry by Rococo:
Being a member of dominion means you get to do a lot of interesting stuff. Like hunting boss and joining faction lvl up quest.
It's amazing how whenever there's some faction I always managed not to go through it all the way. Example Hill giant. When GHG left with 3/4 of its health I had to logged off. ;_; Couldn't see the pwnage which took place 10 minutes later.. But of course hill giant was nothing compared to what i went through later...

The next night was the second part of the faction lvl 51 quest. Which should have been completed much earlier in the morning. = = All doms and god should know what happen... That poor guy has already been mass spammed baka and baroned a few times though.
Even before we started quest we can feel the lag...

People are so bored that an orgy ensued while waiting for the quest to start. @_@

The battle was so intense that we couldn't see anything but ourselves. = =lll

Everyone pwning the fallen champion. =)

Rey discovers that he's a low level. Ha. ha. But it wasn't as bad compared to when nobility, wuss, and lezard all went into the portal first. Guess they are all low levels. @_@

This is evidence that Leoz is indeed evil. Don't kill me Leoz! *hides*

Even the GM came to see us play pwn the monsters. O_O He did gave us a lot of errors when he left though. :/

And ya. I was the most unlucky person in the whole game. For some weird reasons, i couldn't click and enter the portal to the final boss. and before i knew it, Dr fran respawned again and murdered me. = =lll

The SS gathering after the bosses were pwned. *sobs*iwasn'there*sobs* Wuss took the opportunity to show off his sucky aura and his very scary glowing fish. >_< Argh. You are hurting the eyes of us normal people wuss!
But apart from faction quest, we members do organized some nice boss hunt ourselves. Like spiders. =D Although I couldn't deal much dmg to it... >.< 
And sometimes when we get really bored, we summon treasure golem and chimera. Jinxane got a key to summon chimera. I got a key to summon treasure golem. Feeling bored and restless, we decided to have some fun. Brave heroes ichen, guyzai and hush joined as as well. However it was not meant to be. Both monsters are pwned within a minute. Lesson learned. Always sell the key. Don't bother running all the way to the chamber or salon. = =lll

Being a member of dominion means you get to do a lot of interesting stuff. Like hunting boss and joining faction lvl up quest.
It's amazing how whenever there's some faction I always managed not to go through it all the way. Example Hill giant. When GHG left with 3/4 of its health I had to logged off. ;_; Couldn't see the pwnage which took place 10 minutes later.. But of course hill giant was nothing compared to what i went through later...

The next night was the second part of the faction lvl 51 quest. Which should have been completed much earlier in the morning. = = All doms and god should know what happen... That poor guy has already been mass spammed baka and baroned a few times though.
Even before we started quest we can feel the lag...

People are so bored that an orgy ensued while waiting for the quest to start. @_@

The battle was so intense that we couldn't see anything but ourselves. = =lll

Everyone pwning the fallen champion. =)

Rey discovers that he's a low level. Ha. ha. But it wasn't as bad compared to when nobility, wuss, and lezard all went into the portal first. Guess they are all low levels. @_@

This is evidence that Leoz is indeed evil. Don't kill me Leoz! *hides*

Even the GM came to see us play pwn the monsters. O_O He did gave us a lot of errors when he left though. :/

And ya. I was the most unlucky person in the whole game. For some weird reasons, i couldn't click and enter the portal to the final boss. and before i knew it, Dr fran respawned again and murdered me. = =lll

The SS gathering after the bosses were pwned. *sobs*iwasn'there*sobs* Wuss took the opportunity to show off his sucky aura and his very scary glowing fish. >_< Argh. You are hurting the eyes of us normal people wuss!

And sometimes when we get really bored, we summon treasure golem and chimera. Jinxane got a key to summon chimera. I got a key to summon treasure golem. Feeling bored and restless, we decided to have some fun. Brave heroes ichen, guyzai and hush joined as as well. However it was not meant to be. Both monsters are pwned within a minute. Lesson learned. Always sell the key. Don't bother running all the way to the chamber or salon. = =lll

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