I found that every time you try to test something new, your attempt is either successful or failed. We had tried to kill GHG several time last few weeks but GHG refuse to gave us his precious item. As a result, we died with 1 hit of his aoe. On Wednesday at 23:xx hrs Gmt+8, The Great Hill Giant dead in Vegas Javier. Wussking and Lezard are trying something, which i had no idea what, and end-up with colourful result. Oh ok, the only color i see is dark green which means, we're finally manage to kill GHG at the first attempt for this week.

The next faction quest which happened in Jaqouin Prison, we gathered helps from GoD. Sadly, our 1st and 2nd attempt, we all kissing the floor and chat while waiting for help to arrive. After few moment (which feels like eternity to me) we received order to relog and go for 3rd attempt.

Prison Raid MVP : Waterelfo
Due to his respawn capability which help us go thru the raid till the end.