Tuesday, July 31, 2007

When the going gets tough, the tough get going

Firstly, I would like to extend my gratitude on behalf of the sg-domies, to Blake, who kindly arranged and prepared a barbecue session at his place for us. Sorry for the mess we left behind and thank you once again for being a great host :).

Secondly, thousand apologies to the rest of the Domies who stay behind and gave their best in the Colony war. The gathering came at a bad time, rendering a few of our War squads without leaders and manpower. As IAH habitually announced important timings rather late, it was really unforuntate that it coincided with our planned gathering.

It was indeed humbling to end this war without managing to secure even one colony. We did our best and yet there are better factions out there. It has also been a trying week for us, fighting against our rival who has the maximum bonus from the war. They have nothing to lose from not trucing with us, and I respect their decision not to.

Yet, like the title suggest, do not dread adversity, it is only through adversity that we grow stronger.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Guess what? XD no more mock or trial war. This time it's for real! Colony war will be held weekly on Sunday starting on 29th July at 8.00pm till 10.00pm (GMT+8). There won't be ANY reset map anymore. Let's the fun begin (^_^)

Friday, July 27, 2007

War of the Faction~

Attention~ get ready for war!!! I guess this probably gonna be 1 of the laggiest event ever....beside colony war (yea, i always dead whenever i warp during CW). Anyway, i hope we're not too late to join it. 15 dominions will be joining this event. And who might they be? (^_^)

1. †Vendetta†
2. HenryDeLeon
3. Lezard
4. WhiteWolf
5. Reduan
6. Soujiro
7. Ueto
8. Prestige
9. Leoz
10. NWO
11. Rococo
12. Blake
13. GeassTsukai
14. Rey
15. Lothlorien

The event will on 28 July 2007, Saturday 1800 - 2000 GMT+8 (6.00pm-8.00pm). The Prize? 10,000 G-Points and Angel Wings for every1!!!

Get ready to die for your faction friends~ and let's try our best to win it!

for more info, visit In-Game Event: War of the Factions

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Forum : Drive Maintenance will be done on Monday

We're in the process of replacing drives on the main database sever. We look to have this completed as soon as possible and will post any updates.

Thank you,

The forum can be access but most of the maintenance will be done by Monday.
For more info, please visit http://forum.freeforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=11287

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Another sudden colony war

Another sudden colony war appear! Lucky, i was there on time XD. At 1st, we only planned to take only 1 area down but it end-up 5 areas instead. Due to Wussking absent, we're unable to truce with any faction who war with us. Wuss is currently having problem with his laptop and unable to be online for unknown days/weeks. I hope he comeback soon ~.~

Faction Forum : Scheduled Maintenance Underway

The scheduled maintenance is underway while we prepare the network for the upcoming phpBB3 software. As posted, this is expected to last 6-8 hours from the starting time of 10:00 PM PST. Thank you.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Weekly Event Winner : Reduan

Blog Entry by Reduan:

Blog Contest
First of all, my heartfelt congratulations to Rococo and Leoz for winning the Blog contest. Though there were only 3 Bloggers and all three won, I hope we will start a trend where more people will contribute to these forums.

Thanks to Wussking and Lezard for organising this contest and for the presents. To those who are curious, for the first round of contest, Wussking was kind enough to give everyone TWO prizes instead of one. How the prizes was distributed was as follows:

Wuss will ask the 1st prize winner to choose a number from 1-9. behind each number is a prize. After that the 2nd prize winner will then pick a number and get the prize behind that number.

Hence, I was fortunate enough to get 2nd position. The item I received was an Original Figther Uniform(costume). For the bonus prize, I received an Esquive Touche Ring. For those of you who hadn't known, i am currently using a musk musk scout combo. Hence, these prizes was actually disappointing at first for me as I could not use them, and I have no idea who the ring is for. I initially even intend to sell those items away.
However, thinking again, since this was the first time i got the prize, i should instead keep it as a souvenir to recognise the recognition given for the work.

Congrats to Leoz and Rococo again for winning the contest.

Promotion of Senior to Executive

I would like to send my congrats to Llewelyn and Ueto for being promoted from Senior to Exective with me. We did well enough to make it far and get our promotion. Although we are under probation, I hope we can maintain the post and overcome the probation period. To those who tried and did not get through, I hope you guys will try again in the future. Do not let the loss be a disappointment and get you down. Instead, use it as fuel to bring you further in the future. For every things that happens, it happens for a reason, be it known or not known to us in the current moment.

Getting promoted was not an easy walk in the part event. It took us more then past our bedtime and close to 4-5a.m resulting in an hard and tough 6 hours of torrid test.
The first test we have was a PVP test. The PVP test aim is to see how you are able to coordinate ur characters and organise your movement and tactics. Since you are going to be going against Lezard and Wuss, Victory should be the furtherest from your mind. They are actually looking how you move, knockback, control your characters separately, cover each other and teamwork with your partners. Hence, my advice is for those taking it in the future to practice their keyboard shortcuts (eg F1, F2 and etc).

The 2nd test was about hunting in groups, we had to hunt down 2 Violent bears and 2 Violent Ghost. Hence, we had to organise among ourselves, while Leoz and Rey keep a watch and look and how we could work in teams and have leadership. One thing to note is that Leadership does not mean that you have to lead always or have the loudest voice. Its also about learning when to step in, to make positive contribution and sound judgement. There are a lot of aspects how one can be of a leader.

The 3rd test was to hunt for a certain boss spider. This took coordination and it resembles and shows how we can organise the kill. Since this time, the boss is much stronger than us, its more of how we can work together to killing it compared to the previous where how we can organise to hunt it down.

In the end, It was a great experience for those who went through it. Everyone, including professor, i hope will be able to learn something from it like i did.

Congrats to Llewelyn and Ueto again for the promotion. Also thanks to those who was involved in this promotion event

Monday, July 9, 2007

Gratz to Dominion,CARNAGE GoD on Lv52 Faction!

We are proudly and happily ever after to announce that Dominion new faction level is 52! Due to this faction level, each faction can choose political side. And we became the Republicans! With the co-orperation from GoD and CARNAGE, we manage aid each other during the Faction Quest Raid. As a result, the new faction level increases the family level to +3 for each of their members. For the leader, they had obtain a new glow after lv51 quest... which look like a lifesaver (-_-") and the glow becomes errr... glowie after the lv52 faction quest. Congratulation to Dominion, CARNAGE and GoD on lv52! Good Job to every1 who participate for it =D

The 2 Mock War

It was a heavy war for us since it happened in 2 days at the same time. The 1st war which happened on Saturday running smoothly without must interference.
The 2nd war was fun and confusing to me, lol. Beacon been attacked in few places and along the way we help our allies defending their territory.

Lots of things happened the day before the 2nd war but we manage to handle the situation nicely. I am proud of my faction members who stayed with us during heaven and hell. And I am proud to have CARNAGE and GoD as our friends and allies. Without any of them, there will be no Dominion.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Weekly Event Winner : Rococo

Blog Entry by Rococo:

Being a member of dominion means you get to do a lot of interesting stuff. Like hunting boss and joining faction lvl up quest.

It's amazing how whenever there's some faction I always managed not to go through it all the way. Example Hill giant. When GHG left with 3/4 of its health I had to logged off. ;_; Couldn't see the pwnage which took place 10 minutes later.. But of course hill giant was nothing compared to what i went through later...

The next night was the second part of the faction lvl 51 quest. Which should have been completed much earlier in the morning. = = All doms and god should know what happen... That poor guy has already been mass spammed baka and baroned a few times though.

Even before we started quest we can feel the lag...

People are so bored that an orgy ensued while waiting for the quest to start. @_@

The battle was so intense that we couldn't see anything but ourselves. = =lll

Everyone pwning the fallen champion. =)

Rey discovers that he's a low level. Ha. ha. But it wasn't as bad compared to when nobility, wuss, and lezard all went into the portal first. Guess they are all low levels. @_@

This is evidence that Leoz is indeed evil. Don't kill me Leoz! *hides*

Even the GM came to see us play pwn the monsters. O_O He did gave us a lot of errors when he left though. :/

And ya. I was the most unlucky person in the whole game. For some weird reasons, i couldn't click and enter the portal to the final boss. and before i knew it, Dr fran respawned again and murdered me. = =lll

The SS gathering after the bosses were pwned. *sobs*iwasn'there*sobs* Wuss took the opportunity to show off his sucky aura and his very scary glowing fish. >_< Argh. You are hurting the eyes of us normal people wuss! But apart from faction quest, we members do organized some nice boss hunt ourselves. Like spiders. =D Although I couldn't deal much dmg to it... >.<
And sometimes when we get really bored, we summon treasure golem and chimera. Jinxane got a key to summon chimera. I got a key to summon treasure golem. Feeling bored and restless, we decided to have some fun. Brave heroes ichen, guyzai and hush joined as as well. However it was not meant to be. Both monsters are pwned within a minute. Lesson learned. Always sell the key. Don't bother running all the way to the chamber or salon. = =lll